Cybersecurity 101: Why Is It Important To Create A Strong Password?

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People who create their own passwords are at risk of data breaches, account hijacking, identity theft, and other security issues. Poor password management can result in serious cybersecurity issues that disrupt business operations.

The need for secure passwords cannot be overstated. They protect your sensitive personal data by preventing unauthorized access to your accounts. Your data is more protected with a more advanced password. This protects from cuntless online cyber threats and hackers.

You must be wondering if there is a way to secure your passwords and personal data. Let’s take a look at a few simple steps you can take to tighter your security.

Why Strong Passwords are Crucial For CyberSecurity?

A strong password is challenging to decipher using brute-force methods or guessing. In a brute-force attack, various character combinations are tested until the right password is discovered.

A weak password can be guessed easily. Passwords that involve straight patterns are usually simple for hackers to bypass. 

According to a study conducted by Verizon, around 81% of breaches and hacking activities are due to weak passwords.


This clearly shows how using weak passwords poses a serious cyber security risk and can result in data breaches. Strong passwords are crucial to guard against cyber threats.

This is particularly crucial for accounts that house sensitive data, like social media and financial email accounts. According to the LastPass Psychology of Passwords Report, 91% of people are aware that password reuse is risky, but still use it in 2/3 of cases.

It can be quite risky as it puts all your accounts, associated with the same password, at risk. It becomes easier for hackers to access your information using the same password. Thus, a secure password is very important to ensure your safety.

Try using a secure internet connection that covers your cyber security while you browse online. Fortunately, there are many internet providers online like Earthlink Internet providers, and Austin Internet providers who offer built-in defense with proactive network security that is active around-the-clock for wireless and internet at home and at work.

Additionally, there are free in-app security features like custom call controls and network access management. mobile protection We’ll take care of the rest. ActiveArmorSM app. We’ll stop spam calls, check to see if there have been any data breaches involving you, and if you’re using the advanced app, we’ll search the dark web for information about you.

Consider 2FA (2-factor authentication)

2-factor authentication needs more than just your password to protect your information. It uses a PIN code to authenticate that it is you accessing the account or device.

A unique code is delivered to your mobile or device or it may require a fingerprint or voice recognition to ensure your identity. You should use 2FA wherever you can to further protect your information, even when it isn’t available across all accounts and devices.

Use a combination of alphabets, symbols, and other characters

Hackers utilize software that cycles through the most popular and straightforward passwords. As a result, to make your password more complicated, it should contain a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. The password is safer the more complex it is.

Use at least eight characters in your password


To access your accounts and devices, hackers will occasionally utilize a brute-force approach. However, this cyber hazard is less likely to happen the longer your password is. Cyber terrorists are less likely to attack users with complex, lengthy passwords because they take too long to crack.

Try using a short sentence as a password

It makes sense to select a password that is simple to remember, and doing so is frequently safe. Choose a term that will stick in your mind, and then build a strong password around it. For example, “cup of joe” may be shortened to (uP!0F*J03#.

Frequently change your password

Your account or device becomes more vulnerable to attacks if you continue to use a password for a longer period. Try to change your password regularly. Ensure to use a unique password every time. Cyberattack success rates are higher when outdated passwords are reused.

Avoid typical password errors


In addition to creating strong passwords, it’s critical to be aware of and avoid common password mistakes. The following mistakes could result in account theft.

1. Personal information should never be used in a password

Birthdays, spouses’ or children’s names, favorite films or sports teams, and other personal information are simple to recall, but a determined assailant can easily guess or learn them. Since a lot of their personal information is easily accessible online, using personal information in passwords is even more of a worry for frequent social media users.

Cybercriminals may swiftly compile a list of potential passwords and then let the software run over the list, despite what may seem like a lot of work on their part.

2. Avoid going overboard with your password complexity

While a password should be distinct and difficult for an attacker to guess, users shouldn’t go overboard with complexity. A different set of security issues are brought on by impractical passwords, including the following:

Users must write down the complicated password, making it vulnerable to theft or public view. Too complicated passwords frustrate the user. the user might need to reset the password every time they log in. This might result in using a password manager which may result in more threats. The stored passwords can be as complicated and absurd as the user pleases because these programs safely store passwords behind a single strong master password.

3. By no means employ a default password

Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices and accessories, including routers and modems, come with a default password. Always treat default passwords as transient and compromised. These default passwords are well known because they are so widely used, and anyone can find them by conducting a short online search.

4. Refrain from using popular passwords

The most popular password in the United States in 2022, according to a ranking of the top 200 by password management software vendor NordPass, is “guest.” According to NordPass, an attacker could break this password in under 10 seconds. Many people use a straight sequence as a password. For instance, 123456789. These passwords are a go-to for security breaches.

 Decide to only use secure passwords

It might be overwhelming to create, use, remember, and frequently update passwords while making sure they are all different. But with the increase in cyberattacks and data leaks, using secure passwords is more important than ever. You may safeguard your personal and professional accounts with strong passwords by using the password-creation advice in this article.

And if having to remember and generate secure passwords proves to be too much of a pain, password managers can help. 

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