What is an SEO Strategy? Step By Step Guide 2023

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By webfusionist.com


SEO strategy is an elaborate plan to increase a website’s organic traffic by improving its search engine ranking. This plan is built on several pillars, including technical SEO and content strategy. It also includes link building, user experience, on-page optimization, and SEO.

SEO strategy you use to increase organic traffic.

Here are the steps you can take to develop a SEO strategy for 2023.

Step #1: Create a List of Keywords

First step in SEO strategy is to conduct keyword research. What is the best way to discover keywords that your customers use?

Google will suggest suggestions when you type a keyword in the search box.

They are great keywords because they come directly from Google. You can tell that they are being searched for by other people.

Longer keywords, or “long-tail keywords”, are less competitive than shorter terms. Even though long tails are relatively rare, they are easier to rank. You can start by typing in a few keywords until you get a list of 10. You can use tools like SEMrush and Ubersuggest to determine how many people search for these terms.

Step #2: Look at Google’s Suggested Searches and Filters

After you’ve searched for your term, the next step is to use Google’s filters. These are highlighted below.

You don’t need to use standard filters such as “Images”, “Shopping”, “Maps”, and so on. Google will have generated unique filters for your search term.

These filters can be used to answer a variety of questions.

  • What is the most common search term for your primary period?
  • What would they consider most valuable?
  • What are people looking for in your product or service?
  • Please provide a page of a product or an article that would be useful for people.

These questions would be answered positively if I built a marketing hub product page. Marketing Hub is free, and small businesses can utilize it. It’s also useful for digital advertising.

This means I can answer a person when they are looking for this phrase. It’s good to know this information. It’s not time to act yet because I still need to look into how difficult it is for me to rank this term.

In your SEO strategy, you should always remember that head terms are more challenging to rank for. Therefore, you’ll want longer keywords (“long-tail keywords”). Click on the filters under your head term for ideas for long-tail keywords.

Step #3. Examine the SERPs

After you have found an excellent head term and browsed the filters, look at the SERPs. I recommend using several filters to get a good idea of the long-tail keywords.

We’re looking for several pieces information:

  • How many people are trying this term to rank?
  • What types of companies and publishers are ranked? What are the top publishers? Are they well-known companies like the New York Times, NerdWallet or other niche publishers and firms?
  • What is “above-the-fold”? (the upper portion of the page before the user scrolls down)
  • What features does Google include in its SERP?
  • What types of articles and pages are ranking?

Google’s crawlers are excellent. It will rank any site that is related to the term searched for. Do not be deterred by the large number of search results.

In Your SEO strategy You should be paying attention to the SERP results. You can see that “marketing software for small businesses” has several SERP features.

  • Advertisements sponsored
  • Product panels “Sources across the Web.”
  • People also ask for box.

Step #4. Analyze Your Competition

Once you have a keyword that you are happy with, you should start to look at your competitors.

It’s not about us but more about them. It’s true that the way we compete with our competitors has changed. The most important thing in SEO strategy the longest post or the highest number of backlinks.

Google’s search algorithm is more complex than ever. It is essential to consider various factors, such as website age, authority and user experience.

These elements will help you determine what to put on your site and what Google favors.

Step #5. Create Search Engine Optimized Content

When I first mentioned SEO, you probably thought about this step.

Remember the research you did? Now, it’s finally time to optimize your content for long-tail keywords.

You can use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to find keywords.

When creating content I want to rank, I always follow a straightforward rule: Write first for people and then for search engines.

This is how I prefer to see it. I write an article or a page to help someone, but I also hold the algorithm’s hands a bit. Google is intelligent, but it could be more brilliant at ranking your page with a few hints.

Step #6. Build Backlinks

The Last Step Of SEO strategy Content is still queen — but accompanied by her king: Backlinks.

Google will not rank your website if you don’t receive votes from other websites.

Backlinks are essential for SEO content, and I will repeat this because I cannot understate how vital they are.

Backlinks provide the best quantitative measure of authority within your industry. Google’s algorithm will give you more power if you have more backlinks.

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