How to See Sold Items on eBay in 3 Steps

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See Sold Items on eBay. eBay transports millions of items weekly as listings are sold on the site. Listings that have been completed are the best way to confirm prices; however, it may be more challenging to do than accomplish. With this in mind, we’ll guide you in locating the items sold on eBay using the two most well-known methods.

How to See Sold Items on eBay Website

This is the simplest way to find “sold” prices via eBay. This is the best method to determine an estimated price quickly. However, it could be more precise than a sophisticated search.

1. Go to eBay

Log on to the eBay website on a computer, smartphone, or tablet with access to a web browser. Signing in is only necessary if you’re looking to save your search results or items.

2. Perform a Search

Click on the search bar located at the upper right of your page. Input the items that you’re looking for. In this instance, we selected a Pokemon Charizard PSA 10. The more precise your keywords are, the better your outcomes will be.

3. Sold Items Filter

After the search has finished, examining the filters on the left-hand right side is recommended. Scroll until you find an area marked “Show only,” and check the box on the right side of Sold Items.

How to Sold Items on the eBay App

Sold Items on eBay

Finding items that have been sold using eBay’s eBay app is easy when using devices equipped with touchscreens and is the same as on the internet.

1. Open the eBay App

Launch the eBay application on your smartphone or tablet. Signinoptionals, the complete search function via the eBay mobile application, is unnecessary.

2. Start a Search

Enter the search bar near the top of your screen. Input the item you’re trying to find; eBay will take care of the rest. In this instance, we’re looking for the Funko Pop Stranger Things Eddie Munson figurine.

3. Set Filter

You must choose the filter once the app is finished with the search. Click on the filter button on the top (or the bottom) to show an additional menu with choices. Select “Show More” and scroll down until you find an option labeled Sold Items. Please switch it on to see the results of selling items within the application.

How to Sold Items on the App from a Selling Account

Sold Items on eBay

The techniques we’ve discussed are perfect for eBay buyers trying to find a bargain. Sellers can also use them to gauge the cost of a product before purchasing something for reselling. If you’re an eBay seller and want to check the items you’ve sold on this platform, the ideal method is via the Sellers Dashboard.

1. Sign In on eBay

If you have several accounts, go to eBay and sign in to your account for selling.

2. My eBay

Find the right-hand left side of the page and move your cursor above its My eBay section until a pop-up menu appears. Select “Selling” from the options to continue.

3. Seller Hub

From this page, you can look up any items you’ve sold through eBay in various ways. You can also alter your seller hub by changing the website to make relevant sections more straightforward.

Discovering eBay and the Payment Structure


A Seller’s Guide Navigating the complex landscape of eBay selling fees is critical for any online business owner. This guide covers the most important things to get the most out of your online business without breaking the bank.

Free Classifieds: Your Gateway to eBay

Discover the beauty of eBay and its free listing. Auction style or fixed price with no upfront payment. It provides a cost-effective way to showcase your products to a global audience, setting the stage for success.

Final value payment: the reality after the sale As they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Although the listing is free, payment of the final value is expected after a successful sale. A small percentage of the final sale price ensures that eBay only benefits by creating a fair and transparent trading process.

Small text: Exceptions for free listings

Before diving in head first, it’s important to understand the nuances. Free listings do not include additional features and services. If you want to improve the visibility and appeal of your product, be prepared to research and invest in these additional options.

Make persuasive lists: active voice and summary sentences

In the competitive world of online sales, clarity is key. Create active verbal product descriptions and engage potential buyers with engaging language. Keep sentences short, which ensures a direct and easy-to-understand message.

Smooth Flow: The Power of Transition Words

Improve the readability of your information by adding transition words. These language connections create a smooth flow and guide your potential buyers through the information effortlessly. Aim for at least 30% to maintain a cohesive and compelling story.

The Wrap-Up

Due to the many items on the marketplace, knowing how to visit what has been sold on eBay is a crucial aspect of price research. There are many bargains; however, only you know how to spot them and filter out the others. If you want to sell on eBay, This guide will help you navigate the entire process from beginning to completion.
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1 thought on “How to See Sold Items on eBay in 3 Steps”

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